Like paying taxes

So, I paid the final balance on my taxes at the end of January. A whole day before deadline. Always a little painful seeing how much of your hard earned cash you've

How do you win?

I was helping out at my eldest son's school hockey tournament the other day. I was in charge of the B team that my Oli was in. While the group games we're

“We need more equipment”

Here's another parallel from our many conversations and experiences with fellow FitPros over the years. The standard FitPro response to not having enough clients.......... Is to buy (or lease) more equipment. Either more

Variable speed limit

You ever been on the motorway and seen one of those variable speed limit bad boys? You know, the ones that slow you down to, let's say 50mph. Even though you could

Never more than four miles

As I mentioned yesterday, my good wife is running the London marathon in April She did a half marathon distance run the other day with ninja Kerry who's also doing the

What’s the first question you’d ask?

Imagine your friend had got a new job. Bit random, but they're responsible for keeping the number of people in a room below an average of, let's say, 10. They're struggling with

Just take the on ramp

It can be hard to stick to our goals sometimes, can't it? Exercising X times per week for Y hours. All these 'better' food choices. Work stuff, family stuff and so on. It can

“You can’t handle the……….”

I'm sure we all remember the line. From the 1992 Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson and Demi Moore film "A Few Good Men". "You can't handle the truth" Jack Nicholson's character bellows at

Even chimps do it

Take a chimp. Not literally. Unless you really want to. This chimp is 'Proper Bo' at cracking nuts. He's got the best technique going. 'King of the nutcrackers' he is. Pop him in with a group