So on Friday I spoke about how most coffee shop baristas ask me if I want milk in my black coffee.
And how the first thing at play here is not living in the moment.
He second thing it shows……….
Is our nature as humans……….
To hear part of what it been said………..
And use our experiences, opinions, beliefs, etc to ‘complete the sentence’.
Often incorrectly.
To give you an example;
We talk about ‘Balanced diet’.
About getting a good mixture of natural carbs, healthy fats and proteins.
(2:2:1 hear me now!)
And how, for most people that involves less carbs and more protein and fat.
As they were previously following the UK standard ‘Mega-High-Carb’ diet.
But, it’s not uncommon for us to have the following conversation with people a week or two after they’ve started:
“Run me through what you’re eating on an average day”
“Well, I’ve cut out all carbs”
“Why’ve you done that?”
“You told me to”
“No I didn’t”
“Yes you did. I remember you said never to eat any carbs”
“I definitely didn’t say that and never would. I explained that you needed to get some balance and that, in your case, that meant less carbs and more protein and fat till a third of your energy came from each”
It can be the same with sessions.
We recommend three sessions per week to start with.
Maybe four to five when you’re more experienced.
For many people that’s a big step from no sessions per week.
And they sometimes ‘hear’ the more the better.
And start coming every day.
Sometimes twice a day.
When fewer sessions at a higher intensity would get them better results.
Or they’ll hear us say that fruit is great as part of a balanced meal but not so good as a snack by itself.
And they’ll hear “No fruit” and cut it out.
Well say that we “don’t bother” much with certain foods.
Because our plates are already full of tasty, nutritious foods that will make us look and feel good.
And there doesn’t seem much point taking some of that off to make room for something that won’t.
And they’ll think ‘cutting out’.
Or ‘bad’ foods.
Being ‘naughty’.
All mindsets that don’t help long term.
We get it.
We do the same.
Ask my wife how good I am at listening.
Like, properly listening.
Not hearing half of what she says and ‘completing the sentence’ myself.
I’m working on it, of course.
But we’re not excluding ourselves from this behaviour.
It’s just useful to point out when this ‘assumptions’ are being made.
If you’ve made any of the above, now you know 🙂
Much love,
Jon ‘Make and Ass out of U and Me’ Hall and Matt ‘Seconds Away’ Nicholson
P.S. It is, of course, the find-out-more- briefing meeting tonight. For you or a friend to come and get all the info you’d need to see if we’re a good fit – impossible to put over on an email or website. No pressure, no salesly stuff, just see if it’s for you –> 🙂