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We all thrive on incentives.
Last blog about that telematics box in my car that I’m getting to track my driving for insurance purposes.
I think we all know the reason having this insurance black box for three months WILL make a difference to my driving.
There’s cold, hard cash on the line.
If it just gave me a score that didn’t make any difference to anything………..
I might get a bit better.
But that my premium could go up or down WILL mean there’s a substantial change.
Weight Loss Incentives
It’s just like the deposit system for the 8 week challenges that we run.
When we first opened we had a similar thing that was, essentially, a free month.
Success rate was ok.
But nothing special.
People would agree to it and then never be seen again.
Radio silence!
Or kinda ‘do it’ for a mediocre result that wouldn’t inspire their friends to enquire about what we do.
When there’s that deposit on the line…………
That cold, hard cash………….
People stick to it WAAAYYYYY more than they would do otherwise.
And by the time they’ve done 8 weeks of it, those habits have become a bit more set. Take a look at the Briefing Meeting page to find out how you can come in to the RISE in Macclesfield, meet us and have a look around. No pressure to sign up. Honest.
They might not carry on exactly as before, but it’s likely to be something better than it was 🙂
Much love,
Jon ‘Mark Ramos Nishita’ Hall and Matt ‘Flloyd Mayweather’ Nicholson
P.S. 3 points for the middle names – bit trickier than they first appear. No googling.
RISE Macclesfield – myrise.co.uk
Serious transformations. Fun times!
Enter your details at myrise.co.uk for more information about what we do.
Or check out our monthly find-out-more meeting if you want to learn more about our free ’20lbs weight loss in 8 weeks’ and ‘Beach Body’ challenges –> myrise.co.uk/briefing-meeting